The end of the school year is kickin' my butt....finals to grade, the entire classroom to clean and pack up, seniors to send off on their merry ways, and a student teacher to close out the year with. Then of course there's all of the end of the year stuff with the kids--concerts and parties and awards ceremonies and end of the year field trips. I love love love all of these celebrations, but my goodness, it's tough to get to everything. I'm bummed because I just found out that my youngest will be awarded Principal's Medallion (straight A's all four quarters) at an awards ceremony that takes place right in the middle of a final I'm giving to my freshmen. Hopefully Doug will be able to make it and take pictures for me.
In the meantime, I'm writing all kinds of posts in my head. Come this time next week, I'll have time to pass along more stories from our family to yours--probably more than you ever want to know about us! I'll also be able to catch up on my blog reading/commenting then, too. Until then, I'll still try to drop in and post a bit here and there. Be patient--all kinds of fun coming soon!
Face-Lift 1496
13 hours ago
Don't worry - we'll wait! Have fun with it all and congrats to the youngest on the medal - that is awesome!