June 1, 2009
It's that time of the year. So much is going on to wrap up the end of the school year that only bits and pieces are bouncin' around in the brain, rather than a complete, cohesive train of thought. So here's what's going on:
--There are nine days left of school. I'm really going to miss some of the kids, but even though I like 'em all, some of them are just WORK, you know? I'm not even talking about the physical job or the paperwork; I'm talking about the emotional work. That's why teachers need summer break--sanity recovery.
--That being said, I am immensely thankful I have a good, solid job in a good district. I'm glad that even though I have summer off, I have a job to go back to in August.
--We just got the official word that Doug's construction job is, in fact, ending. The project is ending tomorrow. Luckily, we knew it was coming. The company is pulling out of the area. They offered him a job at another site, four hours away, but weren't able to offer anything toward housing (hotel during the week), gas, or food. By the time we pay out of pocket for all of that, actual wages would almost be a wash. As of the end of the week, he goes back on the hiring haul list and we cross our fingers. I'm actually excited that he'll have some down time just when I'm getting out of school, but I'd be lying if I said the prospect of looking for a new job in this economy doesn't scare me. It does.
--Looks like all the kids are ending the year on an up-note. We were looking a tad iffy on one front, but everyone has buckled down and is working toward a strong finish. Overall, all three of them had very positive experiences with their teachers this year.
--Today is the beginning of my birthday month, as well as the birth month of my beautiful oldest daughter. I love birthdays: )
--Summer this year will bring a few visits from my sister Lisa and a ten-day visit from my brother and his family. I'm hoping I will also get to see my sister Laura at some point this summer, too.
--I got a new cell phone yesterday that I'm still trying to figure out. I loved my old phone but it was, well, old. Suddenly this week, it started thinking that even with a complete charge, no actual conversation should last more that three minutes. Without warning, it would power down. My phone hung up on my sister, my hubby, my daughter, my ex-hubby, and a random assortment of other people. When we took it in to the Verizon store to figure out the problem, the charming young gal said the first course of action was to try to upgrade the software on my phone. She plugged it in and shortly came back, looking somewaht sheepish. "Um...bad news. The upgrade fried your phone. It's dead. Non-functioning. We're not sure why." So now, I'm figuring out new features and purchasing new ringtones. Because Verizon was responsible for the untimely demise of my phone, Mr. Verizon Manager threw in a new phone for Hubby, too, which he was sorely in need of. Gotta hand it to Mr. Verizon Manager--he did a fine customer service damage control.
Wow. Random though these thoughts may be, I had a lot more to say today than I thought. If you made it through to the end, thanks for sticking with me. Maybe tomorrow will be less scattered, but I can't make any promises about that until after school gets out.
Face-Lift 1496
13 hours ago
Oh, but you should have saved the Randomness for tomorrow....Random Tuesday, you know! haha My Mom is a retired elementary school teacher and I always remember how relieved she was on the last day of school (waiting to exhale after 9 months)..she was so delighted to have taught certain kids in her class that year, but sometimes even more pleased that other kids were moving on!!! Welcome to summer.
ReplyDeleteNothing beats a free cell phone except, maybe an iPhone. Love my iPhone!
ReplyDeleteGood luck to your husband on finding a job.
ReplyDeleteI love new cell phones and trying to figure them out :o)
p.s. I can related to some students being "work".. I feel that way about myself at times.
ReplyDeleteHold on. When do these birthdays occur? (If you don't mind me asking). Both my kids and my birthday occur this month! And I love that you call it your birthday month - I thought only my husband did that.
ReplyDeleteFingers crossed on the job front!
I could never be a teacher. Just dealing with my two is enough to send me over the edge.
ReplyDeleteSo glad you have a secure job at least. My hubby is a teacher and twice he was let go, with no warning, at the end of the school year leaving us without health insurance all summer and him scrambling for a job all summer. Not fun. Hope your hubby gets something quick!
ReplyDeleteI hope your husband find work soon, other than that it sounds like the year ended on a great note!
ReplyDeleteGood luck to your husband on the job situation.
ReplyDeleteJune is my birthday month, too. :)
Teachers definitely deserve their summers! Kudos! I love what you said about "sanity recovery". LOL. Hope you're having a great week!
ReplyDeleteHi, Donna,
ReplyDeleteWanted to pop by and say hi. Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment.
Sorry to hear about your husband's employment, but I am sure you are glad to have your job safe in the CA system.
My sister teaches fourth grade and she literally starts the summer count down after X-Mas.
At the end of my first week of teaching college about six years ago I called her and said: " I can't believe you do this *all* day *every* day ~and~ with different subjects!"
Our teachers are not paid nearly what they are worth, sadly.
Looking forward to catching up on your archives.
I also love birthdays. Mainly because of the cake. I'm a huge fan of cake.
ReplyDeleteBest of luck to Doug on the search.
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to see everyone!
So sorry about Doug's job! I hope he finds something closer by!
ReplyDeleteAnd this is the month of my youngest's FIRST birthday, too. Happpy birthday to you and your daughter!!!
Wow! You've got your hands full! Hope the strong finish goes as planned and that you and your family get to enjoy some fun summer time together. I'll be thinking good thoughts for D to find a solid new job. : )