June 28, 2012
You might remember a few days ago I posted about my unfortunate run-in with a June Bug--one that dug its tiny little feet into my hair and held on for dear life, much to my dismay. Well, ya'll, it seems something is afoot up on our front porch. I mean, during the summertime, it's not all that uncommon to see three or four of them taking up residence on our front porch screen, but tonight--well, tonight was the stuff of horror films, or at least my own little nightmares. Maybe they were angry about the way I'd treated their kinsman a few days ago. Who knows? Maybe in June-Buggy-World, that was beloved old Aunt Marge, and I'd taken a swat at her. Clearly those bugs talk amongst themselves, and I am no longer held in high regard, if ever I once was. No, they're out for revenge, hatching a plot to intimidate me. Frankly, it's working.
Tonight I opened my front door to take out the trash, and all of Aunt Marge's relatives, even the distant ones, had made their way to my home. And normally, these ugly creatures are pretty static and mellow, give or take the random erratic and hyperactive one, but tonight they were all hopped up on their mutual sense of indignation. As soon as the door cracked open, they set their sights on dive-bombing me! There was buzzing, there was hissing, and there was screaming. (The buzzing and hissing was theirs; the screaming, most decidedly mine.) There were June Bugs on the porch screen, there were June Bugs at my feet on the mat, and there were June Bugs flying through the air. Before I could even slam the door shut, there were June Bugs flying IN MY HOUSE. The kids laughed at me until a few of the bugs decided my loved ones were fair game, too. Then it wasn't so funny. Hubby came in to check out the commotion, and though he is none too fond of the creatures, he at least managed to get them all back out onto the porch and out of the house. I hope we sent a message that we wouldn't back down without a fight, but if they come in for the attack again, I'm going to have to sneak out a side window for the rest of the summer any time I've got to leave the house after dark. Clearly, they have it in for me, and they're telling their friends.