January 1, 2018
Doug, Danielle, and I all ended 2017 battling nasty colds, so we celebrated by watching Ryan Seacrest counting down to the ball drop while we sat on the couch in our jammies. Just because we didn't exactly end the year with a bang doesn't mean the year itself didn't hold quite a bit of accomplishment in our little household.
For me, I finished a goal set in motion 20 years ago. I earned my Master's degree! I got the ball rolling long ago, but life got in the way and I didn't finish, so having restarted a new Master's program (this time in reading, not literature) a couple of years ago was a little intimidating. Even when life got in the way in a pretty significant way this time around too, I wasn't about to let the finish line get moved again. Am I proud of myself? You bet I am!
Doug spent the year on a job site where he is incredibly well-liked and respected, so it's pretty great that this project has some longevity ahead. His band is getting better all the time, and they have been gigging a lot more regularly this past year, with more dates on the horizon in 2018.
Brianna said goodbye to a job that's been a wonderful learning experience for her at the Academy of Country Music. They were thrilled for her when she was offered a new job at a beautiful boutique PR firm doing exactly what she went to school to do. As a PR associate at the company, she has found encouraging mentors who will help her continue to grow professionally.
Nicholas continues to seek out his passions. He found a job he enjoys at iTea, and has remained really involved in the Cafe that he's been working with for the past year. With them, he has taken a few out of town trips and worked at a handful of conventions with people he really likes. In addition, he's experimenting quite a bit with cooking, and thinks he might like to pursue it further as a potential career.
Danielle graduated high school in 2017 with an impressive array of accolades. She finished her first semester of California Baptist with straight As and three on-campus jobs (two of which employ her skills as a photographer). She absolutely loves her school, and we have no doubt that 2018 will bring even more success for her there.
2017 wasn't a great year in a lot of ways--socially, politically. But for us, in our little household, there was a lot to celebrate. Here's looking toward a 2018 that brings even more positivity and success on our collective journey.
Let's be honest:
10 hours ago
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