Monday, April 13, 2009

What's the Point?

I'm feeling a little humbled and low today. Is this all just an exercise in vanity, throwing all of my random thoughts out into cyberspace? I guess there is an element to that in most writing. But if I'm only speaking to myself--if my purpose is not to change the world or to discuss the grander issues at large in the world--maybe I should just keep the voices inside my head inside, where they belong.


  1. Hey! I came over from Sauciwee's page- don't ever keep the voices inside your head...well inside your head. There's no fun in that, but I admit mine get me in trouble. A lot...

  2. Thanks for your response--it's good to hear an encouraging word!


  3. Oh, no, no. Keeping the voices inside is no good! The voices that come flying out of our heads are the best kinds of voices. Keep writing, and don't forget to keep following and keep commenting on others' blogs.

    If you write it, they will come!

    Stop by and visit Mom.

  4. Thanks, Mom--good advice. And thanks for joining us on our little journey here!
