Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Christmas Dinner at Scott and Estelle's

January 4, 2011

Scott and Estelle, Doug's mom and step-dad, moved back to Clovis this year, so this was their first Christmas in a while where they were nearby during the holidays. We brought the kids over on Christmas eve to visit a bit and then exchange gifts, and then on Christmas night (when the kids were at Bill's) Doug and I went back over to join them for Christmas dinner. Doug's brother and sister were there as well, and Grandma came to join us, too, which I was really happy about. I have to say, although I really love that my family usually comes to my house at Christmastime--those who are able to travel--I hadn't realized how much I missed being the daughter during the holidays. It sounds a little odd to say it like that, but Christmas was such a big thing for Mom--she loved to have a big meal and have the whole extended family over to celebrate. Since Mom died, I moved into an early role as matriarch of my immediate family. Being at Estelle's this year was a little bit like getting a piece of the old celebrations back.


Lisa and Larry

Doug, Me, and Steve
Doug, Estelle, Lisa, Grandma, Scott, Larry

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