Monday, January 31, 2022

Super Bowl Line Up

 January 31, 2022

There was a lot of football happening today, and the games determined the teams who will face off in the Super Bowl.  It will come down to the Rams and the Bengals, it turns out.  Though I have a great many disappointed 49's fans who are friends, I don't have such great ties to any given team.  What I do have is a very elaborate and seemingly random system (to uninitiated outsiders) to help me decide who I will be rooting for in any given match-up.  In my system, the front-runner is crystal clear this year.  My system, by the way, didn't do me any good at all in my Fantasy Football league this year, although last year it allowed me to win the league.  I am going to assume my system failure was a one-time fluke, and I will absolutely use it again when we draft for next year.  In the meantime, I'll be cheering loudly for the Bengals during the Super Bowl.  Okay, to be honest, I probably won't be cheering super loud for them, since it's hard to yell with your mouth full of nachos or chicken wings (the real MVPs of any Super Bowl event), but I will be with them in spirit while I'm licking the sauce off of my fingers and trying to fast forward so I can get to the commercials.

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