Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Well, That's Not Good

February 23, 2022
Aaaand $500 later, I have a new phone. I decided to drop my old one just as I was closing my car door when I was leaving work today. Good news? I have excellent timing. (Note the sarcasm...) The phone hit in the split second the door hit the frame. The door 'caught' it on the way down. The bad news? The screen was so damaged it rendered the phone inoperable, flickering feebly and spastically. Did I have insurance? Yes. Did I want to wait three days to get a new one? No. They transferred my insurance to my new phone and I had to just pay off the old one and then purchase the requisite accouterments. Crossing my fingers that everything transfers from The Cloud, since I couldn't do a phone-to-phone transfer.

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